Participants will be able to choose their preference (oral or poster mode) in the application form, but their definite mode of presentation will be decided by the Scientific Committee, based on space / time restrictions.
- Oral Presentation – The allocated time for oral presentations will be 15 minutes in total. This includes time for the presenter to be introduced, present his/her contribution, answer a number of questions, and do any wrap-up. Therefore, presenters should plan their actual presentation for no more than 12 minutes. There is a tight schedule and it is important that each presenter stay within the time limit. Presenters will have access to a laptop with LCD projector and a laser pointer. Please, bring your presentation to the meeting on a USB flash drive to load on the in-room laptops. You will not be able to use your own laptop for your presentation. You can load your presentation on one of the conference laptops before the first session, during the coffee breaks, or during lunch preceding your presentation. A support staff member will be there to assist with the loading.
- Poster Presentation – For each poster, display boards will be allocated. The posters will remain hanged for the whole duration of both days (9a.m-5p.m.) and Presenters will be required to be next to their posters site during the Poster Sessions. It is advisable to hang the posters sometime before the start of the first session of the first day, if possible.
Poster Dimensions
The Poster boards are portrait 90cm (wide) by 110 cm (high). Please make sure that your Poster does not exceed these dimensions.